Come with me to the meadowed hills my heart,
And rest.
Your sorrow is fatigue of soul.
Many things don't matter - but you don’t know.
Lay down, my heart.
You need not harden against this world.
Let the soft winds tickle.
Let the earth breathe for you.
Let your cares drain like rain.
You are earth
Stay until you know it in your soil.
becky kimber
11/20/2011 12:39:23 am

Did you write all of these poems?

11/20/2011 01:04:10 am

Yes I did Becky. Do you like them? This is pretty new to me.

11/23/2011 05:29:23 am

Beautiful poem that encourages the reader to see more in frailty than meets the eye, to see the sense of peace, acceptance, and connection to nature that emerges when we stop being strong, independent and forceful.

The image--Much like Haiku Moment, but we have to look harder and more intensely, to see the inner life. Very nice!

11/27/2011 11:55:28 am

The image and the poem give me a sense of protection and I want to lay down in that grass and feel the peace.


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