How strange this place
Where we have fallen -
In back of the shadows,
This crevice
Where we have fallen 
Alone together.
11/23/2011 04:25:33 am

An amazing double image that at first glance seems to be bare minimum--a dried up leaf and a bare branch. However, when one engages more with the picture one sees the second image that projects some capability--though the walker reinforces disability.

Lovely poem that compliments the primary image in the photo.

11/23/2011 08:15:33 am

Interesting. Dianne, tell me, can you see the poem (which may change as I'm still working on it) in relation to the three elders walking away? This photo was taken in an Alzheimers unit. How strange it must be to "fall" there. Another question, does a walker "reinforce" disability? The leaves need the branch for support. Thanks for inspiring these questions!

11/27/2011 12:19:41 pm

The leaf looks like a little elf to me - he's sleeping and perhaps dreaming of the image in the background...they are moving on and so will he.


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