Consider this analogy-
Frailty and the bee.
Frailty when she comes to rest
Stings so painfully
Bees sting too, we all know that
But that's not all they do.
They carry life's potion 
And offer honey too.
Is it then such a leap
To entertain the thought
That frailty has gifts to give
Equivalent to the loss?
11/23/2011 04:42:36 am

I'm not sure this photo inspires me to think "frailty." To me it suggests life sustained through inter-dependency--the bee pollinates the flower while the flower provides the bee with nectar.

Perhaps I don't really think of stinging when I think of bees. Your poem is nice though. Frailty likely does sting, or cause pain when we're not able to do things for ourselves. Nice thought.

Nancy Lindquist
11/25/2011 12:20:50 pm

I agree this photo may not stand on it's own as a portrayal of frailty.


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