All our lives we have been the frail ones
Infants crawling,
Aged falling.
Later, if not sooner
Potency dissolves
And we know for certain
That we have always been the frail ones.
11/23/2011 04:38:30 am

There is a delicacy and beauty demonstrated by the lace-like outside of the butterfly in the photo. The total lack of color emulates a different perspective of frailty.

There's a small typo in the poem. I think it should say "All of our lives . . ."

The poem reinforces that, throughout life, there is some frailty. It doesn't really add to the picture, but it is lovely.

11/23/2011 08:06:18 am

Thanks for the correction Dianne! And, of course, the comment!

Nancy Lindquist
3/22/2012 11:28:48 am

The poem would probably relate more to the photo if I were to explain that these delicate beauties adorn a tree claimed as a memorial for a strong young mountain climber who fell to his death several years ago.


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